What information publishes Whois?

Whois enables the verification of the availability of a “.ma” domain name and the identification of its Registrant. Here is the information it includes :

  • The domain name;
  • The name of the Registrant (full name for natural persons or corporate name for legal persons);
  • The name of the registrar;
  • The creation date;
  • The expiration date;
  • The date of the last update;
  • The status of the domain name;
  • The contact details of the administrative and technical contacts (last name & first name, telephone number and electronic address);
  • The servers of the domain names and their IP addresses.

Use of WHOIS

The use of the WHOIS database is limited to the search for information on “.ma” domain names, the names of servers and the contact persons, and this, as part of the registration of a domain name and the update of related information, or in the context of a verification to solve technical problems and other problems related to domain names and their registrants.

The Whois database is kept up to date by registrars, whenever the Registrant communicates a change in the recorded data.

Any abusive use of WHOIS and of the identification data published on this WHOIS, by third parties, generates the liability of those involved.